An advance course to setup linux command promt in your system : Dual boot and WSL. Learn file I/O operations in Python, Exception handling, Recursion and algorithms. Debugging strategies and tools. Algorithm complexity analysis and Big O notation. Sorting algorithm, HTML5 and its semantic elements. Handling events in React components, API integration. Functional programming, Regular Expressions in Python. NumPy library, Pandas library, Scikit-learn, Keras library, NLP-Natural Language Processing. Web Scrapping soup library. Build a recommender system using python. Creating chatbot in python. Smart Contracts, Blockchain platforms. Plblic key encryption, RSA and Diffie-Hellman. Hash functions and crytography protocols.
Silver Course Grade 11 (30 Lesson)
Projects with advance data types: dictionaries, sets, and tuples
Project with debugging strategies and tools
Git and GitHub Projects
Creating React components and props
Projects on data science and its lifecycle
Projecgts using pandas library for data analysis and manipulation
Build Natural Language Processing (NLP) with NLTK library
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for image generation
Projects on Public key encryption algorithms: RSA and Diffie-Hellman
Projects on Cryptographic protocols: SSL/TLS and SSH
Make advanced websites with advanced backend systems
Name various types of neural networks
Creat chatbots that you can talk with
Blockchain technology and DApps
Become well versed with crytography
US based Certification
Projects with advance data types: dictionaries, sets, and tuples
Project with debugging strategies and tools
Git and GitHub Projects
Creating React components and props
Projects on data science and its lifecycle
Projecgts using pandas library for data analysis and manipulation
Building dynamic web applications
Introduction to front-end and back-end web development
Full Stack Development
GitHub and GIT
Python Programming and Data Science
web scraping
machine learning models
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning
Cybersecurity and Cryptograph