Introduction to computer programming and coding concepts. Understanding the logic behind coding. Learn programming languages (e.g. Python, Java, C++). Debugging common coding errors. Collaborating on a group project to create a program. Applying CSS styles to web pages. Building a website with a database backend. Understanding web development frameworks (e.g. Bootstrap). Understanding microcontrollers and how to use them. Creating a robotic arm project. Concepts in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Silver Course Grade 6 (10 Lesson)
Small projects on algorithm, variables, data types, loops, functions, etc.
Collaborating on a group project to create a program
Creating a website with a responsive design
Creating a simple robot project with a microcontroller
Creating a robotic arm project
Develop a strong foundation that will serve you as a base for advanced concepts
Learn how to create a style web pages to make them look great
Get a glimpse into the world of robotics
Create your own robots
US based Certification
Coding Technologies
Sensors & Microcontrollers
Game Development Concepts
Learning computer programming and coding concepts
Robotics and Physical Computing